Hi all, I know there are a couple of threads relating to the addition of a metronome, but I thought I would start another to throw my own functionality requests in (I hope that’s okay!):

I’d love to have a simple metronome, which can be routed to a multitrack output the same way songs can. Would be also great to be able to nominate the metronome settings (tempo, time signature, subdivisions, click sound etc) for each “Lyrics Only” song in the library.

Features I find particularly handy in a metronome app are: Tap tempo, subdivisions, subdivision volume, time signatures, click sound, and control over the visual feedback. A great example of a fantastic metronome app (in my opinion) is called “Click” (for iPad and iPhone).

Thank you very much for the consideration 🙂

That could be nice, unfortunately, you’ll have to have your tracks bounced exactly in a form that would align with ST3, for example exactly one bar or two open before the actual song starts.

I bounce my tracks with a fraction of a bar open before the song starts and so for me it won’t sit on a grid, I’ll have to go back and redo all my tracks again. I rather have more multitracks available at this point than a dedicated tempo track with click.

Exactly what @Sharonzaz says. My tracks have maybe about 100-200ms of silence at the beginning. A generated click would never be in time even if the track would have been recorded at a constant tempo which is not always the case.

But for the use case of lyrics only songs I do see the benefit and it is definitely on my todo list. This is one of the features I have in mind for version 4.

    peter I should have been clearer sorry: I’m not looking for a Metronome to sync with lyrics etc, I’m talking about a standalone metronome function, to start and stop and completely separately (in the interest of simplicity).

    Currently I have to use a completely separate device to run a Click for songs that don’t use a track. Having a general metronome in ST3 would eliminate that extra device, and linking tempo etc to a “lyrics only” song would streamline changing tempos between non-tracked songs.

    I hope that makes sense!

      cam_drums I would like the option of a metronome to a lyric only song. My band does not use backing tracks but I like a metronome as a drummer. What I do now is make a click wav file and import that and just play through the headphones from the laptop running Stagetraxx.

      I would love to see an on screen blinking dot of some sort for Lyric only pages. I'm in the process of putting all of my songs into ST3 from SongSheetPro because I have a complete MIDI board that I'd like to not have to step on 300 times per session. I'm loving having my midi commands in the songs.

      My band can't afford IEM's and are not using a click track at the moment, where I stand during practice, our guys can see the blinking light of SongSheet and that helps us stay in sync.

      Would also be very useful for times I am practicing on my own, or playing somewhere on my own.

      Thanks for your consideration! Excellent product!

      7 days later

      Add my vote for a simple stand alone metronome feature. Where you can put the tempo of the song and simply loop. Pls.