Pneumasax After the latest update, I can no longer create a backup (the app crashes) and the iCloud sync is not working between my iPad and iPhone. Please advise.
peter Pneumasax Version 3.7.1 will fix a possible crash when creating a backup. That version will most likely be available tomorrow. If version 3.7.1 is still crashing please send me a crash log as described here: AlanC76 Currently Cloud Sync does not work on macOS 10.15 (Catalina). I have not yet been able to find the cause for this. If I can not find the cause within a week, I will disable this feature on Catalina.
AlanC76 Just sent a mail to Peter pointing out a crash after updating ST on my iMac. I selected the new iCloud sync feature and now it won't open at all :-( Crashes without opening and get that 5 kilometre long data message from Apple saying to restart.
AlanC76 peter thanks Peter. It would be no big issue for me if you can’t. Might even push me to buying a recent iMac 😍