While my betaversion from Testflight is working, the newest updated version from the app store 3.7.0 (8760) is consistently crashing . It loads to the song list but then if I try to change bottom button modes (eg. list to song/list to setup etc..) it immediately closes/crashes the program on my ipad 6th gen. Is it because I have to update to the newest ios? Is there a problem having the beta 3.7 (8761) concurrently installed? I'm currently on 16.3.1 trying to run ST3 version 3.7.0. I tried hard resetting the device and making sure both versions weren't running simultaneously but I still get the full version from app store crashing consistently.
Thanks in advance for your guidance. I'm assured that the beta still is working and will use that for my gig, but wanted to report the crash behavior and seek your advice as to how to fix.