Hi Peter,
Wanted to report this odd bug I just encountered.

I just updated my 2023 M2 laptop's version of ST3 from the Apple App store to the new 3.7 release. Interestingly, once the update was done I launched the app and found that the song order in my playlists were scrambled - meaning that they were then in new, random sequences.

I restored from my last backup and the set lists were accurately restored.

The database structure has changed and there is a migration happening when you first start version 3.7. It seems like the migration did have problems with the song order on your MacBook. This is a one time step.

So now that you restored a backup you don't have to worry that this might happen again.

    peter You are correct. And it was quick. But I currently only have 3 set lists and about 20 songs at the moment. In six months it will be 28 set lists and around 100 songs...just for my church gig.

    How come that behavior was not present in the beta?

    But so far, I am really enjoying ST3. And I really appreciate you adding the ability to change the audio for a song! Muchas gracias!!

    The behaviour was present in the beta but no one had an old version 3.6 beta lying around as all beta versions expire after 3 months. So I was the only one testing the migration and for me it worked.

      Sorry to hear that. It seems my assumptions for migration process have been wrong. In any case, this only affects the sort order of playlists. Nothing else needed to be migrated. So you do not need to worry about losing lyrics or song settings.