Kerry I just got my iPad setup with stage traxx 3 and a ve-500. I am able to do the program change to change a preset, but am trying to figure out how to turn fx1 and fx2 on and off but don’t know where to find the corresponding CC number to do this?? I have looked everywhere for some type of chart. I know you use 127 and 0 for on and off but how do I know what CC number to use???
DickyDutch Kerry don’t know anything about the pedal you’re using but I do no that with the boss ME80 it doesn’t interface directly to iOS you have to do it via a PC using rtp midi with the IPAD and PC connected to the same WiFi router. Even then you have to use Program Changes to change fx patches - it responds to very few CCs.
peter You can find all information you need in the VE-500 Parameter guide pdf somewhere on the boss web page.
peter Out of curiosity I looked at the parameter guide and it seems you need to think outside the box. You can not control the fx1 and fx2 directly, but you can control the assign 1-8 functions via freely assignable CC commands. And each assign can basically control any parameter of the VE-500 (including fx1/2 on/off). Powerful but really really complicated to setup. Typical Boss/Roland I guess.
Kerry peter yeah, that’s what I thought when I looked at it, for now, I am just setting up separate presets for what I want to do since that works and when I get a little more time I’ll look more into the parameter set up. Thanks again.
israelgc Did you find the CCs? I have the MIDI implementation chart but can´t understand it. I wanna know the ccs