DickyDutch Hi Dicky I have also gone through all that and I have fast internet and it won’t solve this issue, I believe this is an issue Peter is needing to figure out as there is a problem the way iCloud works and the way ST3 works, my feeling is it has to do with the way ST3 FILE name and SONG name is in ST3 is confusing the ICLOUD.
I have never Taged my songs because my version of Logic Pro does not have this, I believe they woke up and did what I suggested to Peter a while back , I asked him why do we need to have a FILE NAME shown in ST3 song data menu when it does nothing we can’t change it so why display this I suggested to just have the two automated whatever the song name is the actual file name , I believe Logic Pro has automated this in my latest version that’s why I have no need to TAG the exported files so when I load my songs in to ST3 the song file name is there and the SONG name is automatically there in ST3 but my Artist colum is empty in ST3 so I have to than add this in ST3 so in some way I am missing the TAG facility to pre program the Artist column , saying all this does not resolve anything but I think this is a can of worms only Peter and Apple can resolve, I like not having to TAG my songs as it’s a pain but I also like to be able to do it in ST3 as it’s a great help , but I don’t like having to always rename things when it should be automatic, if I name a song file than that’s all done ST3 should know from there on what the song name is and when it exports something like a single .stas the name of the particular song should be automatically filled for you all you need to do is hit export to a destination, simple things like these just keep wasting our time , but that’s another issue.
I hope we can get a file system that just works with iCloud like my iCloud does at the moment with all my diary and notepad information as I don’t need to know anything about it , it just works, how? I don’t know, I don’t need to know, I just need to get on with life, just like ST3 I just need to get on with my music.
Sorry for budding in but I thought to save you time you won’t fix anything by doing it all over I tried already.
Have a great day ! It’s good to know we’re in the same boat rowing to a great destination.😂