Hi there, so our app has stopped uploading tracks , we have tried from the device files (brand new ipad)
And the cloud but it’s just glitching ..
We have updated to the latest IOS 16.3
Anyone else experiencing this ?

This will make the whole reason we use the app pointless if we can’t upload new tracks
Stage Traxx 3
iOS 16.3

Can you give me some details of what exactly has stopped working? How do you upload tracks and where does it fail? What is the error message you get?

The easiest method I find for uploading my files - plug the iPad into your Mac, open a finder window and click on your iPad in the left side of the screen. once your iPad opens in the right of the finder window, select files from the tabs at the top. Stagetraxx will be shown in the list below the tabs. drag and drop your songs onto the stagetraxx icon/name. once the copy has finished, open Stagetraxx on your iPad, and click songs. now drag down from the top of the song list window and let go -- it will now refresh all the new songs you dragged and dropped into your song list. Job done. it couldn't be any easier

What I like to use is to just Airdrop the tracks to the iPad. But we don't know if the OP is using a Mac.