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  • Can i later add audio to a lyrics only file?

Hoping so, but i’m not seeing it. there may be a case where I don’t have my audio file yet and I wanna get started on the song. Or, I may have a lyrics only file that I later went to add Audio to. So I’m hoping that I can add it to lyrics only foul but I don’t see if that’s possible unless I’m missing it. Thank you

    iamdave Hi Dave i believe once you create a Lyrics only song file you can not add audio to it, what you need to do is create an audio file , either stereo or multitrack, then go to your lyrics only file and copy and paste your lyrics data.This applies the same in reverse if you have audio files that have lyrics.
    The only advantage i can see of why you would want a lyrics only file is if you want to have lyrics time coded but you don't have audio , or you haven't got the audio file yet but want to save your Lyrics somewhere you can easily find them to copy and paste to your audio file once you eventually get it.
    I normally have all my lyrics in Notepad in a folder so thats where all my lyrics are as a backup, totally seperate to the ST3 folder and the hard to get to lyrics, the ST3 lacks a folder called Lyrics where you can just get to that folder like multitrack and be presented with all you text.
    For that reason i use Notepad to store lyrics cause i can get them relatively fast and copy , edit or whatever i choose to do with them than i just paste them to ST3 where ever they are needed.
    Perhaps one day we will have a very easy ST3 folder to manipulate all our data , including multitrack where a multitrack folder contains song folders with all the multitrack data for individual songs contained in this one folder for easy transfer from computer to ST3 folder, but thats off the topic, i tend to get carried away with how i think things should work because my no 1 priority is making life fast and easy for musicians so they can just concentrate on their music not a complicated computer operating system.

    The song types are fixed and can not be changed. There is no way to add an audio file to an existing song. Each audio file you import will create a new song.

      peter The song types are fixed and can not be changed. There is no way to add an audio file to an existing song. Each audio file you import will create a new song.

      I thought if you have the exact same song file name it asks you if you want to overwrite the old or keep the old and add the new to the song list, perhaps we need to know exactly how the system works , so we know what we are doing, I know I have ended up with identical songs in my song list and have been confused by it and the only way to spot the difference is if I had noticeably changed the audio or the text, this ends up very confusing, now I know why if it’s always adding a new version, as I do update or tweak my songs quite regularly.

        Damir I thought if you have the exact same song file name it asks you if you want to overwrite the old or keep the old and add the new to the song list,

        No, ST3 will not import audio files that already exist in the ST3 folder.

        So is my best situation to create a 2 sec audio file to import in with every lyrics only file, or song I don't have audio to "yet." so that I can change the file once I get the right file? Or, on a lyric only, if I later decide to use audio, I can just change that file. Does that make sense?

          Actually I would just create a new regular song when the time comes and copy & paste lyrics from the other song into it.

          iamdave So is my best situation to create a 2 sec audio file to import in with every lyrics only file, or song I don't have audio to "yet." so that I can change the file once I get the right file? Or, on a lyric only, if I later decide to use audio, I can just change that file. Does that make sense?

          Yes as Peter says if you have lyrics only just create a Lyrics only song and save your text there, when you have your audio create a stereo audio track then just copy and paste from lyrics track to audio track text editor , then if you don't want to keep the lyrics only track to avoid confusion just delete it and you will just have a stereo backing with text, i am finding out that if you use a stereo track with lyrics that it gives me everything i need and more compared to multitrack and lyrics only track, if i was only using Lyrics without backing tracks i would definitely use lyrics only song method as it has advantages over stereo tracks, but because i use both i just use stereo tracks only as its the fastest way to achieve my needs and gives me a lot of control.
          If i need lyrics only i just call up a stereo track the lyrics are there for me i just don't play the song and if i dont have a backing track for this song i use the original song as a guide and create loops on the song so i can just easily skip to any part of the text in the song this gives me great power when performing i can bounce to any part of a song very quickly yet i am not using a backing track yet i have the original song there in the background to rehearse with if i need to refresh my mind as i might have not performed that song in a long time.
          So this method is the best, yes it means loading an original or backing track but it has a lot of long term benefits as i always have lyrics to all my songs, even my DJ playback songs have all got lyrics to them , well not all as yet as it takes time but i am getting there, but i will eventually have no songs in my ST3 that have no lyrics.
          Sorry for the lengthy information but i hope it gives you a different perspective and a positive outcome.
          Cheers Damir

          Wou;dn't it e best though to allow audio to be added at a later time to a song? I'm asking for a tweak to the file system. Seems it'd be nicer to be able to add or change current audio without messing around with the file - deleting and so on.

            iamdave I agree the file system is not very user friendly but it’s what we have at the moment, perhaps eventually Apple will see it from a user perspective.