Hello. I’d want to switch from MLIVE grinta app to your Stagetraxx, but I tried to import my files and I can’t see the lyrics into them. It would be a nightmare to convert all my songs.

I will attach here an MP3 with this type of lyrics.
I use also MIDICO to create lyrics with my own MP3.
Please let me know if you can find a solution…



Your files contain lyrics written in a very old tagging standard from 1998 called "Lyrics3". Stage Traxx can not read this tag format and I also don't know of any tag editor / converter that can read this old format. Sorry.

Hello Peter,
Thanks for your feedback.
MIDCO read this kind of Lyrics format

Very sad to know that ST cannot read file… Do you think to consider to include this feature in future version? Could be a dream… I know many users that use my same app and this format of file, this feature could increment your customer.

In Italy ST is not so diffused, I can help you to do that if you want…

Moreover I could pay for this feature if you want.

Let me know your thoughts.
All my best

You are actually the second user in the 10 years that Stage Traxx is available to ask for this feature. I'm not sure there is a high demand for it that would justify spending lots of time to implement this (dead) standard. Sorry.