Sorry Peter and all, but I have to point out a few things that we should have picked up much earlier but better late then never.
I am right handed, so I use my right hand which is my guitar strumming hand and available to touch the screens , with iPhone I always use my right hand as I don’t trust my left as it would probably drop my very expensive phone.
My issues are mainly with layouts if I use my right hand on iPad when I choose next songs I always block my lyrics screen this would not be an issue if the song playlist was on the right side instead , and I would also prefer the stop start button on the bottom right corner then the optional buttons, this also applies to iPhone as I hold the iPhone in hand the natural start point to hit is bottom right corner then my thumb can reach out to the bottom left and right side upwards to control all my needs one handed while holding a radio mic with my left hand while talking to the audience, at the moment nothing is ergonomic, to hit play it’s extreme bottom left which really is not that comfortable to trigger as your phone almost falls out of your hand.
Why do we need a text size buttons when you can easily pinch to the perfect text size and if a box appeared to show you the numeric numbers that’s all we need, this would allow to have a larger volume in portrait mode.
The red button area to be used to close or open the lyrics/song pages , the waveform to be just above the bottom control area this brings down all the necessary control to be able to be hit by the thumb without involving the other hand.
This then never causes you to loose your lyrics yet gives you one handed control.
I would then have an option for left/right handed operation.
This option I would also have on iPad
Where right handers would have the waveform as is the song selection area on the right and the play button to be on bottom right then the two optional buttons.
The left handers would have the waveform area the opposite way it is now the switches on the left side then the waveform and loops
The song selection area as it is and the stop start switch bottom left corner and then the two optional switches , in both cases I would drop the waveform area to just above the bottom control area.
This then pleases both left or right handed people, it never fixes you to block your lyrics no matter what function you require to touch while performing, I know it will appear strange initially but in the long run it will work a lot better on stage , Peter has already done a lot of things to improve things but this is the fine polish that I was talking about earlier.
Here is a very rough sketch for iPhone max pro if you lift your phones and try to control it all with one hand you will see my point, perhaps it’s not as bad on smaller screen phones but it definitely would work better on the larger screen phones.
The other big advantage is no position changes occur when opening and closing the two screens this simplifies the interface , at the moment we get jerked around , we need to chase functions around the screen.
Cheers for now Damir