Hi all that care, i am suggesting to make lyrics editing faster now that we have loops well established, i am suggesting the loop points to be available in the lyrics editor in the place of the song position slider, in other words have it like the player waveform area where you can touch a loop point and the song is cued up for you then hit timecode and presto paste your verse after that timecode and you have you verse in sync with that loop point, you then have options to timecode each line or just leave it as a single cue point so this would make it easy to load a song create your loop points load your lyrics hit the loop you need and time code those lyrics.
You also have the ability to move around the waveform just like in the player, this then gives you lots of flexibility, accuracy and speed of synced lyric creation.
So with this method you do the loops first which then aids you to timecode your lyrics as basic group time-coding of verses and choruses so if you don't use line time-coding this becomes seamless as you tap on the loop you need your lyrics you get your timestamp select the beginning of those lyrics and hit you timecode button, you don't have to search for time in the song you have already spent the time doing that in loop creation, so why do it again when entering lyrics.
Peter what do you think?