peter You mean when you did not timestamp lyrics but automatic scrolling is enabled you would like to disable automatic scrolling when you scroll manually?
Yes i think thats what he means and i also think that would be handy for some users that dont want auto scroll synced or not, they want full manual control of the lyrics.
Perhaps a double tap on that area to turn it OFF completely and another DOUBLE tap to enable IT,
This gives us freedom to choose as we please.
I sometimes want to keep the song playing but want to sing a different verse to what is presented on screen having auto disabled would allow me to do that.
It would not get a lot of use but its a handy option to have as i use auto synced lyrics i feel locked in but having an easy disable option would make me feel as though i have the power to do whatever i want, just like looping has done , when i play a song with looping i feel confident and free, now when i play a song without looping programed i feel restricted and caged in, same sort of thing.