The ability to quickly recue to begining the now selected song in STOP mode only.
When selecting a song and choosing a particular loop to start from and using the double tap on that song starts play is a great feature, but what is missing is beeing to change your mind and just getting back to begining of this song quickly, my suggestion a single tap on this same song resets the song even though it is already selected, this than quickly brings you back to begining if you previously chose a loop to start from but changed your mind last second.
So basically a double tap on the selected song starts play from any selected loop but a single tap resets it from the beginning this only applies while in STOP mode.
This is a different requirement than stop button resets to begining.
This is designed for users of loops that might start from a certain loop but then need a quick way of starting from begining.
This also allows you to manouvre around your song, but allows a quick recue to the begining of song, without having to drag the waveform playhead or choose another song and return back to the one you actually want.
So double tap starts a song a single tap chooses it but this also works on the already selected song.