Soundtrack2life I guess I was thinking or hoping that when I put a MIDI command for Stop at the end of the song it would send it to change my reverb back to FX Mute patch on my VoiceLive Rack. I literally have to stop the track for it to send the command. Would it be possible to add a "End" command so that when the song ends it would send MIDI? This could be very useful in lieu of entering a command in the lyric editor to do this at the end of every song to turn the FX's off when the song ends so any talking the vocals will be 100% dry until the next song starts and the Play Command sends the patch change for a default reverb & delay patch.
peter The problem is defining what "end" means. Is this the end of the song? Or the end of playback? And if it is the end of playback what should happen when crossfading? Do you really want to send this command at the end of a crossfade (because the first song ended)?
Soundtrack2life Hmmmm I guess at the end of playback and during cross fades it automatically disables the feature.
peter So it should fire exactly once when a song ends and nothing else starts automatically? I guess seamless autoplay should be treated similar to crossfade. I can add that as a feature request for version 3.7.