I play in a track based cover band. . . . less people and more money lol! I have been using StageTraxx for bout 5-6 years and have long dreamed of MIDI control of the outboard effect unit (VoiceLive Rack) and my Line6 Helix Rack & Floorboard (backup). I have been begun the process of entering the program & control changes! Let the fun begin!
So here is my question: When I am entering the MIDI commands in the lyric editor is it possible to output the commands from there? I have to keep saving my settings and then go back to the song or playlist screen and hit play to have them play back. Would be awesome if I didn't have to keep flipping back and forth and did it all in the lyric editor.
I am starting with the VoiceLive Rack & Helix and then eventually going to program a light show down the road.
Thanks again!