I would like to thank all those that have pointed me in to buying this little Logitech Bluetooth audio receiver, as it saved my butt the other night.

The stage I was on had the audio mixer 30 meters away and only 3 pin cannon connectors on stage no DI boxes , basically nothing, so I was forced to plug-in this little sucker straight in to the mixer far away in a venue that seats 500 people comfortably, this baby delivered the goods without a hiccup using my iPhone 11 max pro it hooked up immediately and I was setup with ST3 a microphone and a guitar in minutes. NOW I can strongly recommend this device as most of us would need it 10 meters away.The sound quality is excellent in actual fact after testing it in comparison to cable out from iPhone connector I think it sounds better.
So thanks again to those that led me to this nice add on to my simple setup.