florence Still learning to use your app... According the doc I should be able create a std song, lyric song, or multitrack song. When I click on the Add song button, std song is not available. I'm missing something here?
Damir peter A standard song is if you import form local files or the music library. On that point of labels, is ITunes still used?,I thought the current software is called Music.
MasterAnt iTunes is still valid - https://www.apple.com/itunes/ - especially for PC users, but it looks like Music Library describes the device's library better. Apple likes to cause confusion by removing identifiers. For example, which iPad is the New iPad? It's up to everyone else to version or date it, and Apple seems to like doing it that way.
florence Peter Another question: wondering why in multitrack song the tempo option is not available, is that by design?
peter Not enough processing power to time stretch in realtime 12 stereo tracks (worst case during a crossfade between 2 multitrack songs).