Anyone found a work around to be able to remote display song lyrics on the iPad on stage from FOH running Qlab. The scenario is. Qlab running at FOH providing all the backing tracks, visuals, lighting etc etc. I would love a way to be able to have Qlab trigger the iPad on stage with stagetraxx to scroll the lyrics (almost like hosting a session etc, where the iPad on stage is slave to the qlab system). I know its probably impossible, but thought I would ask anyway (perhaps a midi trigger to do it?). We have tried using a foot pedal on stage where once the music at FOH is started, then the foot pedal is pressed to start the iPad with stagetraxx on stage (audio muted) to allow the lyrics to be displayed and scrolled -- mixed results, especially if the act forgets to press the pedals right away. I think I may have to dust off the old on song app for what I want to do, but would prefer to stay with stagetraxx