Use case: I’m using my DAW Reaper (which is where I have my multitrack backing tracks) to send MIDI over Bluetooth to my Stage Traxx 3 phone app to pull up the correct song. Once the song is up, I then have my DAW send MIDI for the ‘Assigned Action’ ‘Start/Stop’. I would submit for you to please add a separate ‘Start/Play’ action, and a ‘Pause/Stop’ action. This way if ‘Start/Play’ is triggered twice it would have no effect as the song is already playing.
The issue I’m facing is that on rare occasions my band botches something and we get off the track, so I then bail out on the track by hitting spacebar on my laptop. This then re-triggers the MIDI command for ‘Start/Stop’, effectively stopping the song in the app, which cancels the timecode autoscroll of lyrics. I would like to be able to bail on the track without messing up the autoscroll behavior of the lyrics in the app. Hope I explained that all clearly, and thank you Peter for an amazing app overall.
-Adam, bandleader the VAM Band Funk Tribute in South Florida