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  • Intro/Click & Multitrack set up.

Hi.can anyone help me out?.I use Karaoke Version custom backing tracks and want to know how I can run tracks in stereo[without click intro]as I am a drummer vocalist with guitarist I need a click intro through in ears to know when to come in but I don't want the click going out front[through rig]The only way I think I could do this is by creating a 3 track multitrack with one track having the intro[click] on it then using an interface to route the songs.How do I do this?any help would be awesome.Maybe another you tube tutorial just on this subject please Peter?

    By the way.at the moment I have panned all songs[RIGHT] and using the LEFT channel with the click intro but some of the songs don't sound as good.

    Riddle There are a number of ways you can go, but unfortunately all of them will take time to setup, the way you have done it is the fastest but you are relying on one side to feed both left and right speakers meaning you are missing out on some information as the backing tracks have been mixed for stereo.
    One thing you could do and still stay stereo and not multitrack as it gets complicated is program a visual count in click in you lyrics screen and only use a visual cue to count you in by then errasing the audio click, this is assuming you have a device in front of you and are happy with a visual cue only, this keeps it relatively simple as you only have to edit out the audio click and place the file back and use the edited lyrics visual count in you entered earlier.
    Another way is using multitrack, load your file in to a DAW stereo channel create a new stereo audio track copy and paste the click intro to new track, select the click portion intro again and create silence, save the two files and load them to track 1 and track 2 of ST3 , select track one to go to main outs 1 & 2, and track two to aux out 3 & 4 now you have seperated the click fom the karaoke file , feed the auxilary to your foldback and main out to PA the advantage also is if you spend the time you can add the click track all the way through the performance meaning you could audio mute the front house to adlib while still hearing the click so you as a drummer can bring the band back in time. There are disadvantages using multitrack as you cant speed up or slow down which is something i use every so often so i stick with stereo tracks and a visual click where ever needed as i always see my ipad i dont use audio click at all but my needs are different as i control the whole show on the run.

    Hope this helps.
    Cheers Damir

    Thanks Damir.the daw idea sounds difficult and as you say very time consuming.i like the idea of a "visual click" as I always have an ipad in front of me and guitarist has the same[only 2 of us].how would I be able to do this please?.& also thanks Peter.I will watch the video again to see if it helps.
    big thanks Dudes.

      Hi.Would I be able to create a multitrack by firstly importing the stereo backing track to 1&2without the click[stereo] then import the same stereo track on only track 3? as a mono track.then route them to 1/2 main out and 3/aux out for the track with the click left on it.Thoughts??
      Thanks for any input.

        Riddle yes that’s another way , just duplicate the audio track and create silence on one, make sure you don’t edit any of them to affect alignment just place the one without the click to main out and place the other on another track and output to aux out .

        Riddle simple, on your lyrics create a count in
        Timecode 1
        Timecode 2
        Timecode 3
        Timecode 4
        To sync up with you audio click
        Once you are happy export the audio track to a daw create silence where the audio click was, then save back the track and just use the lyrics with the visual count.

        Thanks Damir.I tried doing that but couldn't tap play and get over to timecode icon to tap it in time.is there an easier way to do this but bang on the click?


          If the first tap is directly at the beginning, you could manually enter the Time 00:00.00


            peter If the first tap is directly at the beginning, you could manually enter the Time 00:00.00

            I don’t recommend using 00:0.00.00 as you will defeat the purpose of a visual cue as the first count of your click will be already highlighted without starting the track, so I suggest 00:00.01 as the first timecode that way you will get a true representation of when the track has started. This was an issue I raised a long time ago but for some reason has not been corrected ST2 did not have this issue but ST3 has I believe there is a reason but I forgot what it was.

            Riddle yes I agree with you, I raised this issue with Peter , your problem is the time it takes to slide to the next line puts the visual cue out of sync, try this, enter the timecode as precisely as you can but then place the count in all on one line from left to right, this eliminates line changes and becomes more accurate, have a good listen and see if your visual switching is perfect if not you can manually change the timecode to get it perfect once you are happy then save you lyrics then go and remove the click audio.
            I know this is a pain but the lyrics editor hopefully will be improved in time as it’s very important to lots of users using synced lyrics for numerous reasons, I am hoping once we get Looping working Peter will fix a lot of these little things that really need improvement to make ST3 give us a really smooth operating experience it definitely is much better than a lot of other software, I am pulling my hair out with the new Easy Drummer 3, what a nightmare! Definitely wrongly named.

            thanks guys.i think im going to go with the duplicate track option.i think I get that.timecoding seems a bit too much for my head although both options are time consuming.i wish id asked the question before doing all the work when I first found this awesome software.i will overcome/start over/and go again.Damir,I wish I could help you out on EZ3/SPD3 virtual stuff but I've never used/tried any of them.although I do use a hybrid Roland kit with V expression sounds played live.i believe you must produce your own tracks hence EZ3?.i think EZ is more for the players & superior drummer is geared towards the producing side of things.the presets on both are very good from what I have heard.good luck mate.
            thanks for your info chaps.